Siti Sifir

Monday, July 24, 2006

Do you feel good today?

I feel good.. Alhamdulillah.. Muaz my son at the age of 1 1/2 year has shown his talent in getting down from his baby cot with the railing up himself.. ok, you can't stop it you've just got to deal with it.. so, I lower down the railing to make it much easier for him.. I don't want him to fall down while doing the stunt himself! What a boy! Well, if you think your daughter is naughty enough, wait until you have a boy! I'll snap the photo of him doing the stunt one day! Wafa also are getting naughtier now! influenced by Muaz la tu.. nanti kita hantar gambar baru ok!

I packed some cakes to office.. for my friends to taste.. only two of them around to taste.. result? 1:1.. Aida doesn't like it but Noorul loves it and ordered one for Friday! Ok la.. but, honestly I love the cake too.. I thought they are delicious.. well, rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain kan..

Today I got the chance to listen to this song created by a group of guys yang unhappy with Siti's announcement last Monday.. and it is kelakar giler! the music arrangement was good and they sing it dengan selambanya! I love it soo much that I share it with a bunch of special people! Sajer jer nak hiburkan hati! You should listen to them especially the backup singer!!!

Ok people! got to leave early today.. I'll see you tomorrow.. until then, take great care!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kahwin Kahwin Kahwin!

Kenapa tajuk ni? Pasal minggu ni memang minggu jemputan kahwin! Semalam aku sekeluarga dengan mak sekali attend this wedding reception at UPM - anak my cousin punya wedding reception.. actually aku ngan first cousin aku ni tak la begitu rapat - probably because of age gap, tapi kitorang kalau jumpa ala-ala peluk-peluk, mesra gitu.. cousins aku sebelah arwah abah memang tak berapa mesra compared to cousins from my mom's side.. kitorang kalau jumpa, macam nak roboh rumah dibuatnya.. how I miss them all.. ok back to the wedding reception, the venue, the food everything is so nice, biasalah orang sebelah Johor ni kalau wedding tu mesti la ada telur pindang (my favourite) and they still have this "berkat" thing (food packed for the guests to bring home) perhaps thing berkat is not widely practised anymore but its kind of sweet to still have it right.. My husband and kids especially Iman and Alya and not to forget Muaz were having great makan then! heheee lapar pun yer jugak! Poor Wafa being a good girl, taking a good nap on the stroller.. Alhamdulillah...

Balik dari wedding, time for baking - I tried this recipe on the website, Kek Prune Kukus Leen - Leen must be the person who own the recipe - thank you for sharing the recipe with us.. It turns out great - strong taste of prune and I love it - my husband love it too! Perhaps next time I will try to adjust the recipe a bit, baking instead of steaming (that's the major one huh..) tak pe.. we'll see the result nanti.. anyway, the recipe is sooo good to share with.. here it is:

250gm butter
1 cup caster sugar
1/4 tin (525gm) condensed milk
2 cawan self raising flour
5 eggs
20pcs prunes blend with a little water
5 pcs prunes (more prunes better) chop coursely
5 pcs prunes (to be halved for decoration)

Mix butter, sugar and condensed milk in the mixer until smooth.
Add eggs gradually. Add blended prune and followed by flour half cup
at a time until finish and finally throw in the chopped prunes. Do not
overmix the ingredients as it will cause your cake to smile (with cracks
on it) Put the mixture in the well greased and bottom lined with grease
paper pan and arrange halved prunes on top of the mixture. Cover with
alluminium foil to stop the water from touching the cake.
Steam for 1 1/2 hour.

  1. Boil the water in the steamer first.
  2. Can add 1tsp vanilla essence if you like.
  3. Can add 1/2tsp salt if you like.
  4. Can subsitute caster sugar with brown sugar.

Well, try it, you'll love it!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Assalamualaikum semua.. semoga hari ini lebih baik dari semalam..amin..

Seronok jugak ada blog sendiri ni.. boleh jadi tempat melepaskan segala ketidakpuasan hati - setidak-tidaknya lah... tapi apa yang lebih penting ialah tempat di mana aku boleh berkongsi maklumat dan pendapat dengan semua. Yesterday while I was driving home with my daughter Iman (Iman is a student at my office Tadika) and listening to this radio station, the dj was having this sort of lepas geram session with the callers - and busy "kutoking" the artist who is going to marry the Dato'.. siapa lagi kan.. I was like calling the radio station and ask them to stop that so called the "busy body" session! I mean, come on la.. people want to get married, let them be la.. what the hell are you people trying to do? Voice out your disaggreement or trying to stop the marriage from happening? Tolong la.. people is trying to bina masjid, don't la try to confuse them with all your ideas.. kalau bagus tak pe.. this one is trying to put a big question mark on the person herself.. jodoh pertemuan kan ke atas kehendak Allah.. ada hikmah di sebalik apa yang berlaku.. sudah-sudahlah tu.. jangan cuba nak jadi penasihat yang tak bertauliah pulak.. ok.. tukar topic..

Tiba di rumah, aku nampak asap berkepul keluar dari pokok-pokok renek depan rumah aku.. eehh.. apa ni? dah la orang sibuk pasal haze, ada orang buat open burning lak.. depan rumah aku lak tu.. sekali aku tengok, budak-budak perempuan yang menyewa di sebelah rumah tu yang punya kerja.. aku tengok diorang bakar something (could be daun kot) di celah-celah rimbunan pokok renek kat situ.. ada ke patut? what are they trying to do?? budak-budak ni nak kata budak-budak dah boleh jadik mak budak-budak! diorang memang satu spisis yang tak bercampur dengan jiran tetangga.. kalau jumpa orang pun, tarik muka masam, tak nak senyum lansung.. tak tau penyakit apa diorang ni.. aku memang dah naik fed-up dengan diorang.. tapi sabar jer la.. rasa nak slow talk jer dengan diorang ni, tapi nak buat apa! rasanya seperti membuat perkara yang sia-sia!

Syok nya weekend is coming.. nanti aku cuba menulis during weekend.. kalau boleh la.. maklumlah cuti kan.. bebudak tu selalunya membuatkan aku rasa cuti selama 48 jam ni tak mencukupi.. a lot of things to do.. and I promise to bake a cake for them this weekend.. so, that is my committment! Happy holiday everyone.. take care! Take Goood care ok.. Wassalam..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hari pertama aku menulis... 20 July 2006

Hari ni tiba-tiba aku teringat nak menulis.. pulak tu tak keluar lunch.. (tak cukup corum) so lepas "tapau" soto kat cafe aku relak depan pc sambil pekena soto.. ok gak.. selalunya hari-hari aku keluar.. tak boleh dok kat office ni! bosan.. but now, after started my own blog, boleh la aku lepak kat office selalu.. tak yah keluar lunch lagi.. jimat la sikit...

Sebenarnya aku baru jer baca komen peminat penyanyi no 1 negara, Siti Nurhaliza Taruddin yang nak kahwin ngan Dato K yang hangat diperkatakan sekarang ni.. kelakar giler.. ooi! biar la dia nak pilih sapa pun, dia yang nak kahwin bukannya korang.. dah la korang tak doakan kebahagiaan dia, kutuk giler lak tu! ish ish ish.. tak baik tu... kan ker hidup mati, jodoh pertemuan tu di tangan Allah.. korang diam-diam jer la ok! Kesian diorang tu... diorang tu kan ker darah tengah manis.. (siti laa.. dato' k tuu.. entah la, manis lagi ker?) hehhehehee.. gurau jer..

Sunyi tul office aku ni.. selalunya tak la sunyi sangat.. immediate superior aku pun sibuk ngan hal dia.. kitorang dua orang jer dalam bilik ni, aku sibuk menaip, so, dia pun diam jer laa... tak per la.. first day menulis, aku nak tulis lebih sikit.. nak bagi tau a little bit about me, my family, my friends..

Ok, aku dah almost 8 years kat office aku yang gah ni.. dah bosan rasanya.. tapi bila mengenangkan usia yang semakin bertambah, market di luar pun belum tentu boleh terima aku lagi.. aku rasa aku bertahan jer la.. tapi at the same time, thinking of some possibilities of doing something for myself and of course for my family.. especially my 4 kids.. my four lovely kids.. nanti kita citer..

Sebenarnya, it is so nice to be here.. tapi sebab soooo nice tu la lama-lama jadi boring! nothing so challenging.. nak challenging apa la pulak kan.. kalau explorace tu baru la challenging! isssh.. entahlah.. mungkin sebab dah tiba masanya aku berdikari kot.. kerja makan gaji ni terlalu routine.. kalau ada business kecik-kecik ok kot... yer la... aku memang minat nak berbisnes ni.. cuma belum ada peluang lagi kot... direct selling tak minat la pulak.. jual nasi lemak ker ok kot!! hehehee.. aku suka tuu!

Friends.. I think, partly its because of you.. I'm still here... I love our friendship and treasure it as part of my life.. I can't thank you enough for this..

Family aku agak besar bagi sesebuah family zaman millenium ni.. hheeheee Alhamdulillah.. aku dan suamiku yang tercinta dikurniakan 4 orang cahayamata yang comel-comel semuanya 3 perempuan 1 lelaki.. yang sulung Iman, 5 years, Tadika student, very kakak-kakak one, lepas tu Alya, going to Tadika next year, very garang one and very nenek type! (can't blame her, nenek raise her!) and the twins! Sepasang kembar Wafa and Muaz! Aku bersyukur yang teramat sangat kepada Ilahi di atas kurnianNya yang tak ternilai... Wafa puteriku yang istimewa menjadikan aku lebih tabah dan bersyukur di dalam menghadapi kehidupan ini. Wafa yang dilahirkan seberat 1.6kg berbanding Muaz 3.2kg ini disahkan baby Cri du Chat sewaktu usianya 8 bulan setelah ujian darah dibuat ke atasnya pada hari ke 17 kelahirannya. Kami sekeluarga menerima ini sebagai dugaan Allah. Kami bersyukur kehadrat Allah SWT di atas segalanya. Wafa lambat dari segi perkembangannya, berat badannya susah nak naik.. Her first year was so challenging for us.. busy searching for solutions or remedies that could help her in increasing her weight.. it is not so much on that actually, its the syndrome that slow everything about her.. her development especially.. but, she's sooo cute.. soo pretty that you hardly can see it on her face.. she's adorable to everyone in the family, especially the siblings.. its fun to watch them together.. Wafa will giggle all the way! Muaz is the naughtiest! being the youngest (he's the second twin) he learn everything so fast, follow everything the two elder sisters did, so manja of course.. like to do his cute merajuk part.. oops.. I forgot to tell about my darling husband.. he's ok.. basically, we are one happy family. Well, of course there is something.. well you know.. life is not perfect right.. but, we managed! and that is one beautiful thing about us! Thank you Allah, for granting us with all these joys...

Ok lah.. cukup untuk hari ni.. sambung lagi esok.. jaga diri.. sayangi diri sendiri sebelum menyayangi orang lain! Wassalam..